Sleep and Chiropractic Care

Most people spend one-third of their lives sleeping or attempting to do so. This indicates that sleep is essential to human life, but why? 

Sleep can be thought of as watering a garden; without it, the mind and body struggle to grow, repair, and flourish – as would a garden lacking water. Sleep is a biological requirement for humans, it is essential to recover, repair, and prepare our minds and bodies. To live a happier, healthier life, we must care for our sleep as we care for our waking body. 

People struggle with sleep for different reasons, some of which include stress and anxiety, physical conditions, or poor sleeping habits.

This article will discuss the importance of sleep, the relationship between the nervous system and sleep, benefits that chiropractic care may have on stress relief and sleep, and tips on how you could enhance your quality of sleep. 

The Importance Of Sleep

As a result of the modern “hustle culture”, quality and quantity of sleep are often not a priority. Sleep is vital for physical well-being, mental clarity, and emotional stability; lack of quality sleep could weaken many aspects of health. While pain can disrupt a peaceful night’s sleep, insufficient sleep can also exacerbate pain sensitivity, creating a vicious cycle that can be challenging to break. A lot of our healing happens while we sleep. A similar cycle can happen regarding stress.

Some crucial times for our growth and development are when we are babies. Plunket NZ says that some babies sleep for around 16 hours per day, indicating how important sleeping is for us growing and developing.

Not only is sleep important for the recovery and repair of the physical body, but it is also a vital component of our mental health. Getting enough good-quality sleep, especially rapid eye movement sleep (REM), has been shown to help build mental and emotional resilience and process emotional information.

The Relationship Between Chiropractic Care and Sleep: 

Chiropractors work directly with the nervous system, which plays a large role in sleep. Many of our clients say that they sleep very well after their chiropractic appointments. This could be due to many reasons. One is if we have adjusted a misalignment in the upper neck. Having a misalignment in the upper neck can cause an overactive brain, making it hard to relax and have a peaceful sleep. Another reason is comfort. A chiropractic adjustment paired with a supportive pillow helps our bodies stay in alignment, which makes lying in a straight position more comfortable.

Chiropractic adjustments to the upper neck may improve blood flow to the brain. Enhanced circulation can lead to better oxygenation of tissues, promoting relaxation and aiding in sleep. Chiropractic adjustments may also help to balance the hormones involved in our fight or flight response, also promoting relaxation.

Tips from our chiropractors for better sleep:

  • Use a supportive pillow: A supportive pillow ideally fills the gap between the neck and mattress, helping the spine stay in alignment. Avoid a pillow that is too high or too low. Talk to our chiropractors about what pillow is right for you. 
  • Ensure you are using a good mattress, if you can visibly see a dent in your mattress, it is time for a new one. We recommend a medium-firm mattress to provide the best support to your spine.
  • Sleep position: Sleeping on your back is the ideal position for spine health. If you sleep on your side, a supportive pillow is crucial. Sleeping on your stomach can strain the neck and lower back because you are twisting the spine. Talk to our chiropractors about how your sleeping position could be affecting your sleep.  If you struggle with lying on your back or side due to pain in your hips and lower back, this is also something our chiropractors can discuss with you.
  • Regular chiropractic adjustments: Getting regular chiropractic adjustments may improve your sleep for various reasons. 
  • Massages: help to relax your mind and body.
  • Establish a relaxing bedtime routine: Having time to de-stress and unwind from the day can be very helpful to having a restful night’s sleep. Avoid talking or thinking about stressful things just before bed if possible.

For any questions or further information, please talk to one of our chiropractors. 

Book with one of our Chiropractors now by calling 09 416 7589 or by visiting our website: